What is X-Arc and its main functions (new screenshots
- X-Arc is an archive management program for the Amiga, designed in a similar
fashion to WinZip(r) on Windows(r) systems and Stuff-It(r) for MacOS(r).
- X-Arc is somewhat different from previously released archive management
tools: those programs provided no more than a graphical interface on top of
existing archiver commands, often in a incomplete and inflexible way.
- X-Arc offers the user an extremely intuitive interface for the more often
performed operations, whilst complimenting this with a range of advanced options
suitable for the expert user.
- X-Arc provides the user with a brand new and sophisticated way to add files
to an archive, mixing speed and power never seen in any similar program on
any operating System.
- X-Arc is based on a modular concept, allowing any third party to develop
modules to handle new archive formats without having to alter the main program.
- X-Arc offers the ability to perform many operations, using drag&drop, from
within the main program or with standard Workbench icons (ie. drag files from
your Workbench screen to X-Arc's lister window). X-Arc also supports drag&drop
with Scalos based lister windows.
- X-Arc is supplied with an advanced file recognition engine, based on both
filename and content matching, allowing the user to display any file using
a suitable external viewer.
- X-Arc's interface is highly configurable and customisable. For further information,
please read the accompanying documentation.